Friday 25 January 2013

Asylum Seekers In Autralia

This imaginative landscapes is set on the seas near the border of Australia. It shows many asylum seekers squished on the minute and substandard boat, heading towards Australia for a better life. Asylum seekers are individuals who have fled their country of origin, due to a well-founded fear of persecution, such as torture, imprisonment or death and have applied for protection in another country (in this case, Australia) This is because their government is unable or unwilling to protect them. In the landscape, the point of focus are the asylum seekers, due to the fact that they are centred in the landscape and the fact that the asylum seekers are wearing clothing that are different colours to another. Without the asylum seekers and the boat they are travelling on, the landscape would simply just be of the azure blue sea, covered in the natural up and down movement of the sea. Although the asylum seekers are wearing different coloured clothes, they still faintly blend in with the sea, seeing that the boat is another shade of blue and the colours of their clothes are dull-coloured, nearly the same colour tone as the sea.  This shows how helpless and vulnerable they are. This imaginative landscape can have countless interpretations, varying from person to person. Some might think the asylum seekers have a bright future ahead of them because of how sturdy and robust they look, hinting determination of a better life ahead of them, while others might believe that they are going to lose their lives before reaching their destination because of the miniture-sized boat, considering that most small boats can't reach large distances.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Julia Gillard's Misogyny Speech

This imaginative landscape is set in the Parliament House of Canberra (ACT). The landscape shows Julia Gillard in the chamber of the House of Representatives delivering the 'Misogyny Speech' to the members in the chamber, but mostly to Tony Abbott and his hatred of women. Julia Gillard's speech became global, some even described the speech as 'badass' and was 'much to admire.' The most famous chunk of the speech goes:
"I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man, I will not. And the Government will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Not now, not ever. The Leader of the Opposition says that people who hold sexist views and who are misogynists are not appropriate for high office. Well, I hope the Leader of the Opposition has got a piece of paper and he is writing out his resignation."
Julia Gillard is wearing a radiant blue outfit in the landscape takes up nearly half of the landscape, making her eye-catching and in the centre of attention. That gives her a feeling of authority and powerfulness. The seats in the background of the landscape are of a dull and mundane algae-green colour, which shifts the viewer's attention to Julia Gilllard, making her appear even more in control and powerful. Different individuals of the community might interpret this imaginative landscape as a outstanding revolution for the females, since women are nearly always looked down upon, because of how serious and how sucessful-looking she appears to be. But on the other hand, some members of the community might feel intimidated because of the aggressive and almost devilish expression of her face. This might lead to them thinking that the Prime Minister is a corrupt and vile person and is planning to do vicious actions to the nation. 

The Carbon Tax protest

This imaginative landscape is a captured on the lawns near the parliament house of Canberra (ACT). The landscape consists of many Australian citizens grouped together, all having the same intentions to fight for the cease of the Carbon Tax. The Carbon Tax is a policy formed from the government, intended to tax citizen's release of carbon into the air per tonne. It will initially be set to be at $23, the price increasing each year until 2015. Some of the citizens in the crowd of the imaginative landscape are holding up signs, each saying vindictive and malicious comments about the Prime Minister (Julia Gillard). The background of the landscape (that doesn't comprise of any citizens) is very minimal, representing the fact that the protesting crowd is powerful and would not easily give up on the protest. Viewers of the imaginative landscape can all feel and interpret this landscape differently, some might think 'Wow, Julia Gillard should be very cautious of where she steps!' because of the amount of people against her holding up hateful signs, while others might conclude that the protest isn't as serious as it looks because most members of the crowd look calm, while some even look delighted.

The First Fleet

This imaginative landscape is set in the 18th century (1700s) during the time when the first convicts of England arrived in Australia. This landscape shows one of the eleven ships that left Great Britain, planned to arrive in Australia on May 13th 1787. These 11 ships were called the first fleet and were largely filled with prisoners of Great Britain in which they didn't have enough prison space over there for them. The landscape shows the arrival of the first ship of the eleven at Botany Bay, followed by 6 more of them behind it (the rest is not captured in this landscape). There are flags of where the ship came from on the ships, representing patriotism and also hinting the aim of turning Australia into a place like Great Britain. This imaginative landscape can leave individuals feeling blithe and insouciant as the convicts are heading to a village which looks peaceful and civilised, but on the other hand, this imaginative landscape an leave an impression of mystery and even hardship, because of the dark sea (dark seas are usually deep). In addition. the sea's colour is supposed to reflect the colour of the bright blue sky, but instead, the sea is a gloomy dark blue colour making some individuals feel concerned and inexplicable of what is ahead for the convicts.

King Henry VII and his Wives

This imaginative landscape is set in the 16th century (1500s) during the time when King Henry VIII was alive. This landscapes displays the king in the company of all of his wives. Certainly, all the characters in the landscape are all fiction, as technology did not allow them to capture any photos. King Henry VIII (June 28th 1491- January 28th 1547) was King of England from April 21st 1509 until his death. Apart from his many wives, he is best known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry had 6 wives in his lifetime, which are all shown in the landscape. There, the king is positioned in front of his wives, representing authority, while his wives are standing behind him in luxurious and grand outfits. The outfits are mostly dark in colour which is the representation of them being of a high rank. They are standing on the sea green grass, which is closely and perfectly cut, in front of the entrance to the well-built and sturdy castle. To a portion of the community, the imaginative landscape might look very lighthearted and gratified because of the perfect-looking weather and the calm colour of the grass, but another portion of the community might feel a bit distressed or uneasy since the expression of the some of the faces are not happy (even though some might view that as a cheeky effect). The interpretations of individuals all vary from person to person, making this a well-defined imaginative landscape

Wednesday 23 January 2013

World War I

This imaginative landscape is set in World War I which was centred in Europe that started on the 28th of July 1914 and ended on the 11th of November 1918. It shows two men in vulgar and dirt cheap gas masks carefully assembling the machine gun, in order to prepare and assassinate enemies. The two men in the landscape are most likely one of the sacrificial soldiers which are used to gain the enemy's attention first (which they are most likely to kill). This is because the dirt pilings that surround them are not as high as the ones in trenches, therefore not as protective. Also, they are not wearing as much (if any) protective gear a normal World War I soldier would wear. This imaginative landscape can be interpreted as fearful and daunting since the landscape in is black and white, and to the fact that weapons are used, but other individuals might interpret the landscape as full of adventure and thrilling as every person is different, thus interpreting the imaginative landscape differently. 

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bella Arm-wrestles (Breaking Dawn Part II)

This imaginative landscape comes from the recent movie Breaking Dawn (2012), showing the scene when Bella Swan and a werewolf playfully arm wrestle. This landscape is set in the dim, hazy and foggy forest signifying mystery and danger. This also suggests that the two individuals in the landscape are not the normal young adults most people see, but are the unusual ones who like to feel the sense of danger and be left alone once in a while. This imaginative landscape can be interpreted differently according to who they are and their exposure to the movie that this landscape comes from. Therefore, different individuals thoughts and interpretations of the landscape may vary. Some people of the community might think the female would definitely lose to the breath-taking biceps of the male's, but others might think the female might win or that they have a fair chance of winning, because they know that the female is a vampire (strength is a God-given 'talent' in all vampires). This makes this landscape a perfect example of a imaginative landscape.